Determination of Tropical Radiation Budget At High Time and Space Resolution By Combination of Geostationary and Polar Satellite Measurements.
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ERB(Earth Radiation Budget) data describe how the earth gains engergy, due to absorbed solar radiation flux, or looses energy, due to emitted thermal radiation flux. Since the atmospheric energetics is described by differential equations with derivatives in space and in time, high resolution spatial and temporal ERB data should be available. ERB data derived from satellite measurements exist (ERBE(Earth Radiation Budget Experiment) [8] , ScaRaB(Scanning radiometer for Radiation Budget measurements) [9], planned: CERES(Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System)) but the space/time resolution of these data is insufficient to use them directly as input to atmospheric models. The purpose of this work is to combine these data with the high space/time resolution images of geostationary meteorological satellites (such as METEOSAT or the future MSG(Meteosat Second Genereation) carrying SEVIRI(Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) and GERB(Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget)), in o..