Design Of Broadband Generators Using Chaotic Electronic Circuits


Nonlinear discrete-time dynamic systems with chaotic behaviour are known to generate noise-like signals which have a power density spectrum distributed over a certain frequency range (broadband signals). This paper deals with the systematic design of such systems which generate signals with prescribed probability density function (pdf) and power density spectrum (pds). I. INTRODUCTION The nonlinear discrete-time system is described by the state equations x(k + 1) = f (x(k)); k = 0; 1; 2; : : : (1) where x is the state vector of the system, k the discrete-time variable, and f a map of the state space into itself. For defined properties of f the system will generate a chaotic sequence. In this paper the design algorithms for three special kinds of systems are discussed: ffl one-dimensional continuous-value systems where the map f is realised according to the prescribed signal properties, ffl n-dimensional binary-value systems with a state matrix f adapted to the prescribed signal pro..

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