Reusability Of Nlp Tools For Detecting Rules And Contexts When Modelling Language Learners' Knowledge


This work shows how the reusability of computational tools previously developed for language studies is possible in the research of second language acquisition. Reusability is possible if the tools are independent from the language. We have adapted some tools (lemmatiser, spelling checker-corrector, morphological disambiguator ... ) in order to model the grammatical competence (Interlanguage) of Spanish learners of Basque, based on corpus analysis. The methodology for modelling includes the use of subsets of corpora for defining the models and the evaluation of these models by means of new subsets of corpora and expert teachers' opinion. Experiments and interviews with experts lead us to see the need of identifying the contexts where the grammatical rules are applied. We have made changes in this direction. 1 Introduction The main aim of this paper is to show in which way we have adapted Natural Language Processing tools previously developed by our group for the treatment of Basque. ..

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