Numerical Results for One Dimesionnal Configurations
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0K or 500K with emissivities ffl = 1, 0:5 or 0:1. The gas is isothermal at ` = 1000K and is either pure carbon dioxide or pure water vapor at atmospheric pressure. In order to allow comparisons with published results, some simulations where held where only one spectral band is considered : the 3755cm \Gamma1 band for water vapor (extending from 2875cm \Gamma1 to 4250cm \Gamma1 ) and the 3715cm \Gamma1 band for carbon dioxide (extending from 3275cm \Gamma1 to 3875cm \Gamma1 ). Radiative band parameters are those published in Hartman et al. (1984), Soufiani et al. (1985), and Zhang et al. (1988). The discretization is that of Table 1. Surface radiation budgets at the walls and volumetric radi