Phase-preserving Compression of Seismic Data using the Self-adjusting Wavelet Transform


Phase information is crucial for seismic data processing. However, traditional compression schemes do not pay special attention in preserving the phase of the seismic data, resulting in the loss of critical information. In this paper, we propose a lossy compression method that preserves the phase as much as possible. The method is based on the self-adjusting wavelet transform that adapts to the locations of the significant signal components. The elegant method of embedded zero-tree wavelet compression is modified and incorporated into our compression scheme. Our method can be applied to both one dimensional seismic signals and two dimensional seismic images. 1 Introduction The seismic method plays a prominent role in the search for hydrocarbons. Seismic exploration consists of three main stages: data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. Due to the massive data acquisition activities, the need to compress the seismic data is paramount. Unlike other images, the seismic data are ..

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