Nonlinear Continuous-Time Generalised Predictive Control Through Successive System Linearisations


Non linear predictive control may require significant off-line and online computations. This paper gives a nonlinear predictive control algorithm based on successive off-equilibrium linearisation which requires less computation whilst accounting for nonlinear system behaviour. A nonlinear example (the pendulum and cart system) is used to show that the method provides a practical tradeoff between computational requirements and performance. 1 Introduction Predictive control based on non-linear models often requires significant computations, both off-line and on-line. This can preclude practical implementation when processor power is limited and yet high bandwidth control is required. This is particularly true in the context of mechanical systems which typically have much higher closed loop bandwidth that process engineering systems. Different algorithms have been proposed to enable a faster optimisation (see for instance [19, 21, 20]). Alternatively, an intermittent receding horizon a..

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