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(Maximum 200 words) The effect of low-speed impact damage on the compression and tension strength of thin and moderately thick composite specimens was investigated. Impact speeds ranged from 50 to 550 ft/sec, with corresponding impact energies from 0.25 to 30.7 ft-lb. Impact locations were at the center of the specimen or near a lateral unloaded edge. In this study, thin specimens with only 90 ffi and \Sigma45 ffi plies that were impacted away from the unloaded edge suffered less reduction in maximum load-carrying capability because of impact damage than the same specimens impacted near the unloaded edge. Failure loads of thicker compression-loaded specimens with a similar stacking sequence were independent of impact location. Failure loads of thin tension-loaded specimens with 0 ffi plies were independent of impact location, whereas failure loads of thicker compressionloaded specimens with 0 ffi plies were dependent upon impact location. A finite-element analysis indicated th..