
Spanish Pows in Napoleonic France: positive images of confinement spaces of NCO troughout the case study of José Mª Román (1808-1900)


El presente análisis se centra en mostrar el cautiverio de los suboficiales españoles durante la etapa napoleónica. Se basa en el estudio de caso del diario de José María Román (1809-1804), que es contrastado con las imágenes que aportan las fotografías de las casernas donde aquellos fueron recluidos en Nancy (1900). Se refleja parte del sistema de vida y las relaciones tejidas con los franceses. A la par, se ponen de relieve diversos aspectos que fueron causa –y consecuencia- del silenciamiento de aquella experiencia. Se plantea la existencia de un modelo de prisión relativamente positiva para los suboficiales durante las guerras napoleónicas, vinculado al momento de transición del Antiguo Régimen al Liberalismo.This study analyzes Spanish prisoners of war (POW), the captivity system of Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) in Napoleonic France. Its principal source is the Memoirs of José María Román (1809-1814), which are contrasted with the postcards (1900) of the military caserne where they were confined in Nancy, before going to the city of Caudebec. It is shown the quotidian life and social networks they established with the French people. Are also shown the problems they had when they return back to Spain and had to hide that experience. We offer a positive image, a model of prison that –maybe- could be generalized between NCO´s POW during Napoleonic Campaigns in France (1808-1816). An almost unknown model which speaks about the transition from the Ancient Regime to the Liberalism

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