Investigation of the Page Fault Performance of Cedar
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- Turn931
This reports contains the performance results collected during an investigation of the different types of page faults on Cedar. Along with the performance results, a description is provided of some of the different page fault types. 1 Introduction The hierarchical memory system architecture of Cedar required the development of a complex virtual memory system. The performance implications of this virtual memory system are hard to understand when examining the performance of an application program. Therefore, an investigationwas performed which only looked at the virtual memory system. This reports provides the results of the investigation of the virtual memory system. Section 2 will provide an overview of Cedar architecture and the Xylem operating system. Section 3 will present a description of several types of page faults. The performance results for the page faults types will be presented in Section 4. Some conclusions will be presented in Section 5. 2 Overview of Cedar and Xylem Th..