MONS and high-amplitude
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The important role of high-amplitude ffi Scuti stars (HADS) in asteroseismological tests of model structure and excitation/damping mechanisms of ffi Scuti variables is emphasized. It is suggested that one or two well--studied HADS, e.g. AI Vel and SX Phe as representatives of pop. I and II respectively, should be included in the MONS target list. 1. Introduction The purpose of MONS is to discover oscillations of extremely low amplitude in stars, in particular in solar type stars and ffi Sct variables. Therefore, it can be seen as a paradox that I suggest that we should include high-amplitude ffi Scuti stars (HADS) in the MONS target list. Of course, the purpose of including HADS is not to study the high-amplitude modes with extreme accuracy. The purpose is to discover new low-amplitude modes --- hopefully a considerable number of new modes --- and to use all available modes for asteroseismological studies of these stars. It is known that modes of amplitude 2-10 mmag are present is som..