
WFC3 Instrument Science Report 2009-12 WFC3 Example Datasets


Flight-like example datasets for the WFC3 UVIS and IR channels have been constructed and are publicly available for observers to use for learning and testing WFC3 data processing and analysis software. The Datasets Simple WFC3 UVIS and IR datasets are publically available for observers to download and use for testing and becoming familiar with WFC3 calibration and analysis software. The example datasets were constructed by taking the raw FITS files for a few exposures recently obtained on-orbit as part of the WFC3 Servicing Mission Orbital Verification (SMOV) program and replacing the image portions with data from non-proprietary ground-test observations. Thus the file formats and header contents are completely flightlike and faithfully reflect what observers will get from standard pipeline processing of on-orbit science data. Details of the WFC3 file formats and contents, as well as the calibration processing performed by the calwf3 program, can be found in the WFC3 Data Handbook (Kim Quijano et al. 2009). The Data Handbook is availabe from th

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