
The Answer Set Programming (ASP) Competition


is a biannual event for evaluating declarative knowledge representation systems on hard and demanding AI problems. The competition consists of two main tracks: the ASP System Track and the Model & Solve Track. The traditional System Track compares dedicated answer set solvers on ASP benchmarks, while the Model & Solve Track invites any researcher and developer of declarative knowledge representation systems to participate in an open challenge for solving sophisticated AI problems with their tools of choice. This article provides an overview of the ASP Competition series, reviews its origins and history, giving insights on organizing and running such an elaborate event, and briefly discusses about the lessons learned so far. 1 A Brief History Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established paradigm of declarative programming with roots in the stable models semantics for logic programs (Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1991; Niemelä, 1999; Marek and Truszczyński, 1999). The main goal of ASP is to provide a versatile declarative modeling framework with many attractive characteristics. These features allow to turn—with little to no effort—problem statements of computationally hard problems into executable formal specifications, also called Answer Set Programs. These programs can be used to describe and reason over problems in a large variety of domains, such as commonsense and agent reasoning, diagnosis, deductive databases, planning, bioinformatics, scheduling and timetabling. See (Brewka et al., 2012) for an overview, while for introductory material on ASP, the reader might refer to (Baral, 2003; Eiter et al., 2009). ASP has a close relationship to other declarative modeling paradigms and languages, such as SA

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