
«What have I understood? what do not I still understand?»: promoting self-reflection in science classroom


Se presenta una experiencia educativa orientada a promover en el alumnado estrategias de reflexión sobre su propio aprendizaje. Su finalidad fue impulsar la competencia básica para aprender a aprender en clase de ciencias. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en clases de Física y Química con un grupo natural de 19 alumnos de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (15-16 años). Se estimuló entre los alumnos la autorreflexión continuada sobre lo aprendido, dentro de un contexto de aprendizaje socioconstructivista. Concretamente, se procuró que reflexionaran sobre sus progresos y dificultades de aprendizaje, valorando los factores o situaciones educativas que los propiciaban. Esas autorreflexiones, escritas por los alumnos en sus cuadernos de clase, fueron el objeto de análisis. Asimismo, se hicieron algunas entrevistas personales para profundizar y/o complementar la información recogida en los cuadernos. Los resultados revelan que al reflexionar sobre su propio aprendizaje, los alumnos llegan a ser conscientes de sus progresos y dificultades de aprendizaje y, sobre todo, reconocen que esta práctica termina favoreciendo su aprendizaje.This paper presents an educational experience oriented to promote in students strategies of self-reflection of learning. The aim was to encourage the basic competency for learning to learn in sciences classroom. The experience was carried out in physics and chemistry classes with a natural group of 19 students aged 15-16 years. A continued self-reflection of learning was encouraged among students, in a context of socioconstructivism learning. Concretely, it was sought that they reflected about their difficulties and progresses during the learning process, valuing the educational factors and situations that propitiated these. The self-reflections written by students in their notebooks were analyzed. Also personal interviews were made in order to deep about it and to complement the information obtained from notebooks. The results revealed that when students reflect on selflearning they end up being aware of their achievements and difficulties of learning. Also students recognized that self-reflection helped them to progress in their learning

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