Erickson G: Truancy in Denver: Prevalence, effects and interventions. 2006 [http://www.schoolengage


(NCSE) is an initiative of The Colorado Foundation for Families and Children (CFFC). NCSE strives to build a network of key stakeholders who share the belief that improving school attendance and school attachment promotes achievement and school success. NCSE was established as a result of more than a decade of educational research about youth out of the educational mainstream conducted by CFFC. The impact of this work has been the development of significant investments of state funds to reduce suspensions expulsions and truancy. Over five years ago, CFFC began working with the OJJDP, US Department of Justice to assist in the planning and implementation of pilot demonstration projects across the country. As projects developed, CFFC became the national evaluator of this five-year truancy demonstration project. The culmination of ten years of program experience and research has identified truancy and school engagement as the centerpiece of NCSE’s work to improve outcomes for youth who ar

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