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committee chair, Dr. Yanqi Wu, for his continual guidance and support all the way through the completion of this thesis project. I am heartily thankful for his excellent teaching and encouragement that enabled me to undertake this research and complete it successfully. I would also like to express my gratitude to my committee members Dr. Hailin Zhang, Dr. Michael Anderson and Dr. Gopal Kakani for their valuable suggestions and contributions throughout the project and refining of this thesis. I am also thankful to Dr. Charles Taliaferro for his valuable suggestions. I would like to acknowledge and express sincere appreciation to Dr. Tim Samuels for his guidance and necessary arrangements for my study and research. Mr. Gary Williams and Ms. Sharon Williams deserve great acknowledgements for their participation all through the successful completion of this research work. I would like to thank the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Oklahoma State University for their permission to carry out this thesis project. I would also like to thank Oklahoma BioEnergy Center for funding this research. Finally, I would like to thank my family members and friends for their support in my academic pursuit