
you will always be in my thoughts…. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In our lifetime, rarely we will encounter significant people who are willing to go the distance with us; to assist, to nurture life’s hard-earned lessons and most importantly to guide us through uncharted waters till we reached safe harbor. The important roles these people play, to whom we are always grateful. First and foremost, I will like to extend my deepest gratitude to my mentor, advisor and thesis chair, Dr. Hongbing Lu, for his insightful guidance, encouraging confidence and immeasurable kindness. To whom which without generous financial assistance, this thesis will never materialize. As well, my heartfelt appreciation goes to my other committee members Dr. J. Keith Good and Dr. Eric Price; for the encouragement, experimental equipments and invaluable trust. I will also like to take the opportunity to thank two most esteem authority in the field of web handling: Prof. Bruce Feiertag; for taking me into his wing as an apprentice and teaching me everything there is to know about web handling, and Prof. John Shelton; for helpful suggestions and valuable discussion, especially when I was stuck

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