Persuasion for In-home Technology Intervened Healthcare of Chronic Disease: Case of Diabetes Type 2


Abstract. Currently the world is going through a demographic shift that projects the proportion of ageing population will be more than double in the next four decades. This has serious consequences for our current healthcare systems for the ageing population that are prone to chronic diseases. One possible solution is to provide in-home assisted healthcare through technology intervened approaches. This will also create a change of roles, with the patient having more responsibility for their own well-being. However, through investigations of clinical trials of in-home technology intervened healthcare this paper identifies problems of technology use among patients. This paper argues that persuasive technology can help to motivate patients and support quality and cost-effective in-home healthcare. Focusing on diabetes type 2 as a representative of chronic disease, this paper describes background research and explores the possibility of deploying persuasive technology to support in-home technology intervened healthcare.

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