A novel real-time detailed feedback collection and interaction tool for large classes


CONTEXT The existing approaches towards interactive student feedback and question collection have two major drawbacks. First, instructors are only provided with generic feedback, typically at the end of a teaching period. Second, students are not provided with opportunity to give content-specific feedback or raise questions on specific sections of content during the lecture. The latter is especially important in large classes with students from non-English speaking background who are generally less likely to actively participate in discussions. PURPOSE This paper aims to develop and test a user-friendly and automated platform, with efficient data management structure, which facilitates real-time collection and addressing of students’ feedback on a specific part of topics discussed during the class. APPROACH A web-based software has been developed using annotation technologies which assists students in providing anonymous and content-specific comments on lecture materials. The software equips lecturers with a real-time platform for retrieval of comments classified based on their area, type and frequency. The platform contains features that enable users, teachers, for analytical assessment of both teaching and learning performance. RESULTS The trial use of the designed platform has primarily increased engagement of students in the class discussions. This trend is specifically observed amongst international students who have gained confidence to raise more questions, compared to the traditional teaching methods. Concurrently, the lecturer has dramatically decreased his response period to students’ queries to nearly real-time through receiving classified comments adhered to a particular part of the lecture. CONCLUSIONS The software allows for structured analysis of course materials and students’ feedback which can be further used to update teaching standards. Moreover, it improves teacher-student relationships through timely and purposeful addressing of instructional issues

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