
Developing strategies for mainstreaming sustainability


The objective of this project was to progress the process of mainstreaming sustainable residential development. For the purpose of this report, mainstreaming is defined as the increased acceptance and adoption of sustainable design strategies and technologies by the majority of the building industry and its consumers, the broader community. To achieve this objective the report aims to identify and verify where possible the barriers to mainstreaming sustainable residential development and to recommend solutions to overcome such barriers. The project focussed on three areas Greenfield residential development rather than urban renewal. Institutional constraints (process, people, regulatory etc) more than socio-cultural (education, perception, etc) or technological. The four service areas of Water, Waste and Materials, Transport, and Social sustainability. Interviews of a broad and representative cross section of the development community were combined with other research and related work. This research and consultation was then built on and tested at a workshop involving a similarly representative group. In this report there are four levels of detail related to the key project findings Constraint categories and sub-categories (Shown in Figure 1). For each category, priority constraints, key findings and recommendations (Shown overleaf and in the relevant report section). For each category, all identified and verified constraints (Shown in the summary matrices in the relevant report section). For each identified and verified constraint, contextual detail including ideas for solutions, examples of where the constraints have been overcome and remaining questions surrounding each constraint (Shown in Appendix A). Four major categories of constraint emerged from the interviews and initial research along with associated subcategories

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