Simulation of induction machine control methods with respect to maximum efficiency


Diplomová práce se zabĂ˝vá simulacĂ­ řízenĂ­ asynchronnĂ­ho motoru s ohledem na vysokou účinnost. Je zde popsána teorie asynchronnĂ­ho motoru, s kladenĂ˝m dĹŻrazem na jeho ztráty. Dále je zde popsáno skalárnĂ­ i vektorovĂ© řízenĂ­. VektorovĂ© řízenĂ­ je optimalizováno pro vyšší účinnost. NáslednÄ› je zde popsáno vytvoĹ™enĂ­ modelu v programu đť‘€đť´đť‘‡ đťżđť´đťµ ⒠𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑠pro porovnanĂ­ skalárnĂ­ho a vektorovĂ©ho řízenĂ­ s optimalizacĂ­.The diploma thesis deals with the simulation of induction motor control with respect to high efficiency. The theory of an induction motor is described here, with emphasis on its losses. Scalar and vector control are also described here. Vector control is optimized for higher efficiency. Subsequently, the creation of a model in the program đť‘€đť´đť‘‡ đťżđť´đťµâ’𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑠is described here, for the comparison of scalar and vector control with optimization.

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