
VHDL Models with Usage of the LFSR_PCKG Package


LFSRs (Linear Feedback Shift Registers) are very often used in the BIST (Built-In Self-Test) methodology. Implementation of the LFSRs to the design or application of digital system, which supports BIST techniques or which only uses these LFSRs, can be done by VHDL language. This paper presents VHDL models of the devices and subroutines (e.g. test pattern generators, signature analysers). Models are based on LFSR structures with usage of the LFSR_PCKG package described in the (Kovalsky and Vlcek, 2001), which can be used in the applications supporting BIST techniques. Devices are described as behavioural and structural models. These models and descriptions can be used e.g. in the (Kovalsky, 2001). The LFSR_PCKG was modified and new approach is presented. Naturally, there are presented some synthesis conclusions of the VHDL models and applications in this paper

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