
The Color Splitting System for TV Cameras - XYZ Prism


One of the dominant aspects, which prejudices the quality of color image reproduction, is the first operation in TV chain - scanning. Up to this day, the color splitting system, working in RGB colorimetric system, is still entirely used. The existence of negative parts of the color matching functions r(l), g(l), b(l) causes complications by optical separation of partial pictures R, G, B in classic scanning system. It leads to distortion of reproduction of color images. However, the specific technical and scientific applications, where the color carries the substantial part of information (cosmic development, medicine), demand high fidelity of color reproduction. This article submits the results of the design of the color splitting system working in XYZ colorimetric system (next only XYZ prism). Shortly the way to obtain theoretical spectral reflectances of partial filters of XYZ prism is described. Further, these filters are approximated by real optical interference filters and the geometry of XYZ prism is established. Finally, the results of the colorimetric distortion test of proposed scanning system are stated

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