
Modeling of Luneburg Lenses With the Use of Integral Equation Macromodels


The so-called integral equation macromodel allowing to efficiently include Luneburg lens in the body-of-revolution method-of-moments (BoR-MoM) computational scheme is described. In the process of the macromodel construction, we make use of the equivalence-principle domain-decomposition-method (EP-DDM) and the asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) method. By the use of the macromodel, the number of unknowns in the final system of equations is reduced to those describing sources on the equivalent surface surrounding the lens. Moreover, thanks to the macromodel being valid in a certain frequency interval, the domain decomposition procedure does not have to be repeated for every frequency of interest, but it should only be done in some specified frequency points. However, the range of validity of the macromodel should be carefully investigated on the basis of full radiation pattern rather than on the basis of a single direction of observation

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