
Microelectronics Time-Space Authentication Techniques


DizertaÄn­ prce se zabv vyuit­m informace o poloze uivatele pi provÄovn­ uivatelovi identity v prosted­ poÄ­taÄovch s­t­. S nrstem mobiln­ch poÄ­taÄovch za­zen­ v posledn­ch dvou desetilet­ch se poloha uivatele stv jednou ze stÄejn­ch informac­ v syst©mech pro sprvu p­stupu. Prce pedkld reeri stvaj­c­ch een­, kter se dÄl­ na dvÄ skupiny v zvislosti na zdroji polohov© informace (een­ vyu­vaj­c­ satelitn­ navigaÄn­ syst©mu nap. GPS a een­ zaloen na komunikaci s aktivn­ infrastrukturou nap. GSM, Wi-Fi). Prce uvd­ metodiku pro vyhodnocovn­ autentizaÄn­ch dat, kter vyu­v princip fuzzy logiky. V porovnn­ s bivalentn­ logikou je mon© autentizaÄn­ data vyhodnotit relnÄji. Vsledek procesu autentizace m tak vy­ informaÄn­ hodnotu, kter me bt zohlednÄna pi stanoven­ rovnÄ p­stupovch prv uivatele. Dleitm aspektem pi prci s informac­ o poloze uivatele je prokzn­ faktu, e uivatel se nachz­ na stejn©m m­stÄ, ze kter©ho se d o p­stup do syst©mu. een­m t©to otzky me bt spojen­ polohov© informace uivatele s jeho biometrikou, nap­klad otiskem prstu. Tento princip je vyuit i ve dvou verz­ch mikroelektronickch autentizaÄn­ch terminl, kter© byly v souvislosti s een­m dizertaÄn­ prce realizovny. Prvn­ verze autentizaÄn­ho terminlu vyu­v jako zdroje polohov© informace pij­maÄe satelitn­ho navigaÄn­ho a bezdrtov komunikaÄn­ho modulu pro psmo ISM. Na prvn­ verzi autentizaÄn­ho terminlu byla ovÄena funkÄnost novÄ navrench mikroelektronickch autentizaÄn­ch technik. Pro provÄen­ biometriky uivatele je zde vyuito sn­maÄe otisku prst s vestavÄnm vyhodnocen­m. Ve druh© verzi byl autentizaÄn­ terminl doplnÄn o zdroje polohov© informace moduly Wi-Fi a GSM. V zvÄru prce je uvedeno testovn­ navren© metodiky vyhodnocovn­ autentizaÄn­ch dat pomoc­ druh© verze mikroelektronick©ho autentizaÄn­ho terminlu, kter© ovÄuje vyuitelnost navren© metodiky a celkovÄ ÄasovÄ-prostorov© informace v procesu autentizace.This dissertation work focusses on using information about the location of the user during the authentication process on computer networks. With the growth of mobile computer devices over the last two decades the physical location of users is becoming one of the main issues for access management. This work researches existing solutions which are divided in to two groups related to the source of location information (SATNAV systems for example GPS and based on communication with active infrastructure such as GSM, Wi-Fi). This work shows the methodology for evaluating authentication data which use the principle of fuzzy logic. In comparison with binary logic it is possible to evaluate authentication data accurately. As a result of the authentication process the information is of a higher value, which can be taken into account when setting the levels of user privileges. An important aspect of working with location information is that the user is located in the same place and from where they are asking for access to the system. Solving this question could be linking user biometrics for example finger prints. This principle is used in two types of microelectronic authentication terminals which were developed in conjunction with this work. The first type of terminal uses a SATNAV receiver and an ISM wireless communication module as a source of location information. On the first type of authentication terminal newly developed authentication techniques were tested. The users biometrics are checked by finger print sensor with embedded processing. In the second type authentication terminal a Wi-Fi and GSM module were added for location purposes. In the conclusion of this dissertation the testing methodology of the data authorization and evaluation process of the second type of microelectronic authentication terminal is shown. This confirms the practicality of the suggested methodology and the time-space information in the authentication process.

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