
Os autores estudaram a influência do levo-tetramisole (L2,3,5,6-tetrahidro-6-fenil-imidaz (2 ,l-b) tiazola, isômero levógiro, em ovinas na dose de 8 mg/kg de pêso vivo, adquirido no comércio e para uso dos proprietários em geral, sôbre a redução da ovopostura de helmintos, tipo Strongyloidea (ST) obtendo 99,75 7%. Abstract The authors were studied the influence of laevo-tetrarnisole (L-2,3,5,6-tetrahidro-6-fenil-imidaz(2 ,l-b) tiazole laevo isomer, in sheep's dosage of 8 mg/kg body weight, acquired in the cornrnerce and from the use of proprietary in general, in the eggs outputt of helminths type Strongyloidea (ST) obtained 99,75%. The rergoving percentage of adults helminths were always: Haemonchus 100,0%; Ostertagia 99,63 %; Trichostrongylus axei 99,59 %; Trichostrongylus colubriformis 100,0 % ; Cooperia 100,0 % ; Nematodirus 99,86% and Oesophagostomum 95,09%

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