
Estimation of the IP station location based on the parameters of network traffic


Tato bakalarska prace se zabyva vyhodnocenim geograficke polohy stanic v siti Internet pomoci mereni zpozdeni a implementovanim metody CBG, ktera je soucasti, jak teoreticke, tak i prakticke casti bakalarske prace. Prvni cast prace je venovana pasivnim geolokacnim metodam, typum zpozdeni v datove siti a jejich naslednemu mereni. Druha cast je venovana hlavni casti teto prace, aktivnim geolokacnim metodam, konkretne metode CBG. Cilem bylo naprogramovat lokalizacni algoritmus v jazyce PHP, nasledne vyhodnotit presnost metody a porovnat s dostupnymi metodami IP geolokace.This bachelor’s thesis covers the topic of evaluation of the geographical location of stations on the Internet with the help of measurements of the delay and implementation of the CBG method, which embodies both theoretical and practical parts of the bachelor’s thesis. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to passive geolocation methods, types of delays in data network, and their subsequent measurement. The second part pursues active geolocation methods, specifically the CBG method. Aim was to program a localization algorithm in the programming language PHP, subsequently evaluate accuracy of the method and compare with available methods IP geolocation.

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