Micro-CT provides 3D volume imaging with spatial resolution at the micrometre scale. We investigated the optimal human placenta tissue preparation (contrast agent, perfusion pressure, perfusion location and perfusion vessel) and imaging (energy, target material, exposure time and frames) parameters.
Microfil (Flow Tech, Carver, MA) produced better fill than Barium sulphate (84.1%(±11.5%)vs70.4%(±18.02%) p = 0.01). Perfusion via umbilical artery produced better fill than via chorionic vessels (83.8%(±17.7%)vs78.0%(±21.9%), p < 0.05), or via umbilical vein (83.8%(±16.4%)vs69.8%(±20.3%), p < 0.01). Imaging at 50 keV with a molybdenum target produced the best contrast to noise ratio. We propose this method to enable quantification and comparison of the human fetoplacental vascular tree