Multi-structured redundancy


One-size-fits-all solutions have not worked well in storage systems. This is true in the enterprise where noSQL, Map-Reduce and column-stores have added value to traditional database workloads. This is also true outside the enterprise. A recent paper [7] illustrated that even the single-desktop store is a rich mixture of file systems, databases and key-value stores. Yet, in research one-size-fits-all solutions are always tempting and pointoptimizations emerge, with the current theme du jour being key-value stores [8]. Workloads naturally change their requirements over time (e.g., from update-intensive to query-intensive). This paper proposes research around a multi-structured storage architecture. Such architecture is composed of many lightweight data structures such as BTrees, keyvalue stores, graph stores and chunk stores. The call for modular storage and systems is not dissimilar to the Exokernel [4] or Anvil [10] approaches. The key difference that this paper argues about is that we want these data structures to co-exist in the same system. The system should then automatically use the right one at the right workload phase. To enable this technically, we propose to leverage the existing N-way redundancy in the data center and have each of N replicas embody a different data structure. 1 Introduction an

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