Sparklinglight Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing
The purpose of this project was to collect evidence-based information regarding sugammadex administration in both standard and selected special populations. Special populations included renal failure, breastfeeding, pregnancy, and pediatrics. The objectives of the project were to collect and present current research to the host facility, define barriers to the use of sugammadex, and assess the participants’ knowledge of sugammadex use in special populations. A guideline for sugammdex administration was created and presented to the host facility through a poster presentation and quick reference guide. A voluntary post-implementation survey was implemented, and the results were recorded, analyzed, and displayed in the final dissemination. Results showed an overall increase in provider knowledge in the use of sugammadex in special populations, improved confidence in use of medication, and found the quick reference guide to be user friendly. The small sample size and use of a convenience sample limited the ability to generalize the results to the larger population. Additional long-term research is still required for the use of sugammadex in special populations. However, current evidence shows sugammadex to be superior for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications in standard populations. Sugammadex is a useful drug in clinical anesthesia practice requiring additional education for providers to ensure best practice