Dichloromethane – Addendum: evaluation of a pregnancy risk group for the BAT value


In 2014, the German Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area re-evaluated the maximum workplace concentration (MAK value) of dichloromethane [75-09-2] and set a MAK value of 50 ml dichloromethane/m3 (180 mg/m3). In humans, exposure to 50 ml/m3 of dichloromethane led to CO-Hb levels in the range of 3%, which is above the endogenous CO-Hb range of 0.4–2.6% in non-smoking pregnant women. There is no information available on the CO-Hb level at which oxygen deficiency occurs in the foetal tissues. As a result, the possibility of prenatal toxicity cannot be excluded even if the MAK value of 50 ml dichloromethane/m3 is observed. Based on thisfinding, classification in Pregnancy Risk Group B has been confirmed. In 2015, the biological tolerance value (BAT value) of 500 μg dichloromethane/l blood was derived in correlation to the MAK value. Pregnancy Risk Group B istherefore also valid forthe BAT value. The possibility of prenatal toxicity cannot be excluded even when adhering to the BAT value of 500 μg dichloromethane/l bloo

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