Suggesting a Reliable Method of Calculating Charge Collection Efficiency in Charge-transfer Measurement for Brush Discharges


Induced charge errors lead to underestimation of transferred charge in brush discharges when the measurement is done using fast-response unshielded probes. The discrepancy observed between the values of charge-collection efficiency for different charge-transfer thresholds obtained theoretically by Walmsley [2] and those obtained experimentally by Chowdhury et al [3] necessitates figuring out ways to improve the mathematical model used by Walmsley. A close perusal of the said work by Walmsley [2] has pointed out an error therein– in the use of the equation reff = KD. I propose here a way to get rid of this error, and in doing so, I propose a method of calculating the charge-collection efficiency in charge-transfer measurement for brush discharges more reliable than that used by Walmsley [2]

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