Integration into Prolog
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We presentanintegration of Mathematica into Prolog using MathLink. We illustrate the interplaybetween the di#erent components byevaluating a simple example. The motivation based on algebraic modeling as well as an application from combinatorial group theory are brie#y sketched. 1 Introduction Many Prolog programming tasks need # besides the built-in predicates # access to additional functionalities such as those provided by relational databases, statistics packages or symbolic computation systems. While it is usually not feasible to implement these functionalities in Prolog itself, they are available as stand-alone applications. On one hand, these applications usually o#er means, like an external C-interface, to integrate them into other software tools. On the other hand, Prolog interpreters typically o#er an external interface as well, e.g. Modula Prolog #Mul86, Mul91# or SWI-Prolog #Wie92#. Hence we wanted to develop techniques to integrate stand-alone applications into Prolog c..