
DESCRIPTION:   The spatio-temporal relative sea level curve (RSL) was developed using the software SealEveL EquatioN solver - version 4 (SELEN4; https://zenodo.org/record/3520451) (Spada et al. 2019), the global ice sheet reconstruction (ICE-5G (VM2); https://pmip2.lsce.ipsl.fr/design/ice5g/) (Peltier 2004) and DEMSRE3a (https://zenodo.org/record/1637816). MAPPED VALUES:  Relative sea level stand below present in meter.  SPATIAL RESOLUTION:  The spatial resolution of the dataset is 0.2 degrees (WGS84). TEMPORAL RESOLUTION:  Relative sea level for every 500 years from 0 BP to 26000 BP.   The dataset is provided in two formats:   1. TILED IN ASCII (RSL_tiles.zip):  53 tiles of 10x10 degrees per folder each representing the relative sea level for a 500 yr time period.   Directory naming:  structure: //RSL..asc  example: 10/010-020/RSL.005.asc  description: Tile with relative sea level from 0 to 10 degrees latitude, and 10 to 20 degrees longitude, per 500 yr BP.   2. MOSAIC IN TIF (RSL_mosaic.zip):  53 global maps each presenting the relative sea level for a 500 yr time period.   File naming:  structure: RSL.tif  example: RSL005.tif  description: Relative sea level map per 500 yr BP

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