Shapes, Paint, and Light


A fundamental problem in computer vision is that of inferring the intrinsic, 3D structure of the world from flat, 2D images of that world. Traditional methods for recovering scene properties such as shape, reflectance, or illumination rely on multiple observations of the same scene to overconstrain the problem. Recovering these same properties from a single image seems almost impossible in comparison — there are an infinite number of shapes, paint, and lights that exactly reproduce a single image. However, certain explanations are more likely than others: surfaces tend to be smooth, paint tends to be uniform, and illumination tends to be natural. We therefore pose this problem as one of statistical inference, and define an optimization problem that searches for the most likely explanation of a single image. Our model, which we call “SIRFS”, can be viewed as a superset of several classic computer vision problems (shape-from-shading, intrinsic images, color constancy, illumination estimation, etc) and outperforms all previous solutions to those constituent problems. Though SIRFS performs well on images of segmented objects, it performs poorly on images of natural scenes, which contain occlusion and spatially-varying illumination. We therefore additionally present Scene-SIRFS, a generalization of SIRFS in which we have a mixture of shapes and a mixture of illuminations, and those mixture components are embedded in a “soft ” segmentation of the input image. We additionally use the noisy depth maps provided by RGB-D sensors (in this case, the Kinect) to improve shape estimation. iTo Estee, Shelley, Laura, and Will. i

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