Design of a final focus system for CLIC in the multibunch regime


We present a design for the CLIC #nal focus system which authorizes the stable multi#bunch operation with a 5 mrad crossing#angle. The loss of luminosity is limited to less than 20# in suchaway that crab#crossing cavities may not be required. The main feature of the design is that the vertically focusing #nal quadrupole is split into a 48 mm large bore superconducting quadrupole and a 13.7 mm bore normal conducting one. In that way# the o##axis outgoing beam is de#ected by the #rst quadrupole into the #eld#free region of the second one. CEA#DAPNIA#SEA#97#17 1 Introduction The preceding #nal focus systems for CLIC had been designed for the single bunch op# eration at zero crossing#angle. With the current CLIC parameters# partially recalled in Table 1# 60 bunches separated by 20 cm #0.67 ns# form a bunch train repeated at 511 Hz rate. Toavoid unwanted collisions at multiples of 10 cm distances away on both sides from the IP# it is necessary to include a non#zero crossing#angle. This c..

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