Nonjudgmental Acceptance: Associations With Substance-Related Cue Reactivity in Adults With Substance Use Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress


The present investigation examined the predictive utility of nonjudgmental acceptance, a facet of mindfulness defined as the ability to remain aware and nonevaluative about internal experience, in terms of substance-related cue reactivity among adults with substance use disorders (SUD) and posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptomatology. We hypothesized that higher nonjudgmental acceptance, indexed via self-report, would predict higher levels of self-reported control over oneself and safety \u27in the moment\u27, broadly, and lower levels of substance-related craving in response to substance script cues. Effects were expected after subtracting reactivity to neutral script cues from each outcome rating. PTS severity was included as a covariate. The sample was comprised of 53 adults (48.1% women; 75.9% African American; 74.1% with past-month PTSD) with substance dependence per DSM-IV and at least four symptoms of PTSD per DSM-5. Higher baseline nonjudgmental acceptance predicted greater safety and control in response to substance cues; no effects were found for craving. These experimental laboratory results elucidate the potential clinical utility of mindfulness-based interventions in bolstering recovery from addiction among adults with SUD/PTS by fostering safety and control in response to substance cues

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