On Curling Numbers of Integer Sequences 1 Corresponding author.


Given a finite nonempty sequence S of integers, write it as XY k, where Y k is a power of greatest exponent that is a suffix of S: this k is the curling number of S. The curling number conjecture is that if one starts with any initial sequence S, and extends it by repeatedly appending the curling number of the current sequence, the sequence will eventually reach 1. The conjecture remains open. In this paper we discuss the special case when S consists just of 2’s and 3’s. Even this case remains open, but we determine how far a sequence consisting of n 2’s and 3’s can extend before reaching a 1, conjecturally for n ≤ 80. We investigate several related combinatorial problems, such as finding c(n,k), the number of binary sequences of length n and curling number k, and t(n,i), the number of sequences of length n which extend for i steps before reaching a 1. A number of interesting combinatorial problems remain unsolved. 1 The curling number conjecture Given a finite nonempty sequence S of integers, write it as S = XY k, where X and Y are sequences of integers and Y k is a power of greatest exponent that is a suffix of S: this k i

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