Simulating Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks for Edge-AI


This study presents the simulations for distributed wireless sensor networks (WSNs) of autonomous mobile nodes that communicate intelligently, with or without a central/root node, as is desired in Edge Artificial Intelligence (Edge-AI). We harness the high-resolution and multidimensional sensing characteristics of IEEE 802.15.4 standard and Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) to implement dynamic, asynchronous, event-driven, targeted communication in distributed WSNs in a simulator. We use the chosen Contiki-NG/Cooja to simulate two WSNs with and without a central node. The two WSN simulations are assessed on the network Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as throughput, network lifetime, power consumption, and packet delivery ratio. The simulation outputs show that the sensor nodes at the edge communicate successfully with the specific targets responding to particular events in an autonomous and asynchronous manner. However, the performance is seen slightly degraded in the RPL WSN network with a central node. This work shows how to simulate distributed WSNs using the Cooja simulator, with or without a central node, for communication among sensors relevant to Edge-AI applications, such as visual surveillance, monitoring in assisted living facilities, intelligent transportation, connected vehicles, automated factory floors, immersive media experience, etc

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