Reusing Historical Trajectories in Natural Policy Gradient via Importance Sampling: Convergence and Convergence Rate


Reinforcement learning provides a mathematical framework for learning-based control, whose success largely depends on the amount of data it can utilize. The efficient utilization of historical trajectories obtained from previous policies is essential for expediting policy optimization. Empirical evidence has shown that policy gradient methods based on importance sampling work well. However, existing literature often neglect the interdependence between trajectories from different iterations, and the good empirical performance lacks a rigorous theoretical justification. In this paper, we study a variant of the natural policy gradient method with reusing historical trajectories via importance sampling. We show that the bias of the proposed estimator of the gradient is asymptotically negligible, the resultant algorithm is convergent, and reusing past trajectories helps improve the convergence rate. We further apply the proposed estimator to popular policy optimization algorithms such as trust region policy optimization. Our theoretical results are verified on classical benchmarks

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