Let G be a graph on n vertices and 1≤k≤n a fixed integer. The
k-token graph of G is the graph, Fk(G), whose vertex set is equal to all
the k-subsets of V(G); where two of them are adjacent whenever their
symmetric difference is an edge of G. In this paper we study the treewidth of
Fk(G), when G is a star, path or a complete graph. We show that in the
first two cases, the treewidth is of order Θ(nk−1), and of order
Θ(nk) in the third case. We conjecture that our upper bound for the
treewidth of Fk(Kn) is tight. This is particularly relevant since
Fk(Kn) is isomorphic to the well known Johnson graph J(n,k)