Haptic rendering of weight plays an essential role in naturalistic object
interaction in virtual environments. While kinesthetic devices have
traditionally been used for this aim by applying forces on the limbs, tactile
interfaces acting on the skin have recently offered potential solutions to
enhance or substitute kinesthetic ones. Here, we aim to provide an in-depth
overview and comparison of existing tactile weight rendering approaches. We
categorized these approaches based on their type of stimulation into asymmetric
vibration and skin stretch, further divided according to the working mechanism
of the devices. Then, we compared these approaches using various criteria,
including physical, mechanical, and perceptual characteristics of the reported
devices and their potential applications. We found that asymmetric vibration
devices have the smallest form factor, while skin stretch devices relying on
the motion of flat surfaces, belts, or tactors present numerous mechanical and
perceptual advantages for scenarios requiring more accurate weight rendering.
Finally, we discussed the selection of the proposed categorization of devices
and their application scopes, together with the limitations and opportunities
for future research. We hope this study guides the development and use of
tactile interfaces to achieve a more naturalistic object interaction and
manipulation in virtual environments.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures, surve