Enhancing and controlling light-matter interactions is crucial in
nanotechnology and material science, propelling research on green energy, laser
technology, and quantum cryptography. Central to enhanced light-matter coupling
are two parameters: the spectral overlap between an optical cavity mode and the
material's spectral features (e.g., excitonic or molecular absorption lines),
and the quality factor of the cavity. Controlling both parameters
simultaneously is vital, especially in complex systems requiring extensive data
to uncover the numerous effects at play. However, so far, photonic approaches
have focused solely on sampling a limited set of data points within this 2D
parameter space. Here we introduce a nanophotonic approach that can
simultaneously and continuously encode the spectral and quality factor
parameter space of light-matter interactions within a compact spatial area. Our
novel dual-gradient metasurface design is composed of a 2D array of smoothly
varying subwavelength nanoresonators, each supporting a unique mode. This
results in 27,500 distinct modes within one array and a resonance density
approaching the theoretical upper limit for metasurfaces. By applying our
dual-gradient to surface-enhanced molecular sensing, we demonstrate the
importance of coupling tailoring and unveil an additional coupling-based
dimension of spectroscopic data. Our metasurface design paves the way for
generalized light-matter coupling metasurfaces, leading to advancements in the
field of photocatalysis, chemical sensing, and entangled photon generation.Comment: 5 figures, 5 supplementary notes, 14 supplementary figure