Nonsymmorphic bosonization in one-dimensional generalized Kitaev spin-1/2 models


In this work, we perform a detailed study on the consequences of nonsymmorphic symmetries in the Luttinger phase of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Kitaev-Heisenberg-Gamma model with an antiferromagnetic Kitaev interaction. Nonsymmorphic bosonization formulas for the spin operators are proposed, containing ten non-universal coefficients which are determined by our density matrix renormalization group simulations to a high degree of accuracy. Using the nonsymmorphic bosonization formulas, different Fourier components and decay powers in the correlation functions are disentangled, the response to weak magnetic fields is analyzed, and the zigzag magnetic order in two dimensions is recovered from a system of weakly coupled chains. We also find a line of critical points with an emergent SU(2)1_1 conformal symmetry located on the boundary of the Luttinger liquid phase, where a nonabelian version of nonsymmorphic bosonization should be applied.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

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