Tendencies in vegetable production development in Serbia


Characteristics of vegetable productions in Serbia, in the period 2001-10 are: - Harwested areas are increased in: tomato, pea, cabbage, red papper, carrot and cucumber, compare with the previous period 1991-2000. - Average yields of all analised vegetables are increased (except beans) - Total production of vegetables are increased. Average year production increased (compared with previous period) for: pea 56 %, red papper 26 %, carrot 20 %, potato 18 %, cucumber 17 %, cabbage 13 %, melon 12 %, tomato and onion 5 %, and garlic 2%. - Tendencies of increasin of production in observed period have: tomato, pea, onion, red papper, beans, carrot and cucumber. Tendencies of decreasing have potato, malone and garlic, while, cabbage is, practicly, stable

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