Analyzing Generalization in Policy Networks: A Case Study with the Double-Integrator System


Extensive utilization of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) policy networks in diverse continuous control tasks has raised questions regarding performance degradation in expansive state spaces where the input state norm is larger than that in the training environment. This paper aims to uncover the underlying factors contributing to such performance deterioration when dealing with expanded state spaces, using a novel analysis technique known as state division. In contrast to prior approaches that employ state division merely as a post-hoc explanatory tool, our methodology delves into the intrinsic characteristics of DRL policy networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that the expansion of state space induces the activation function tanh\tanh to exhibit saturability, resulting in the transformation of the state division boundary from nonlinear to linear. Our analysis centers on the paradigm of the double-integrator system, revealing that this gradual shift towards linearity imparts a control behavior reminiscent of bang-bang control. However, the inherent linearity of the division boundary prevents the attainment of an ideal bang-bang control, thereby introducing unavoidable overshooting. Our experimental investigations, employing diverse RL algorithms, establish that this performance phenomenon stems from inherent attributes of the DRL policy network, remaining consistent across various optimization algorithms

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