Grupo de trabalho e interversão em psicologia na procriação medicamente assistida - GIPPMA


With a view to improving provision of care in the field of Psychology in the context of Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA), the GIPPMA - Working Group and Intervision in Psychology at PMA was created in 2019. This informal group includes Psychologists who carry out their work activities in a hospital of the SNS (North Zone) and a professor/researcher. The GIPPMA emerged on the personal initiative of these professionals with the central assumption of creating a shared practical approach, overcoming some of the difficulties present in clinical practice. The group's objectives are: to build standardized psychological protocols in the field of PMA (pre-treatment evaluation, treatment and post-treatment protocols), as well as to develop, evaluate and propose work initiatives aimed at disseminating solutions and good practices in this area. GIPPMA has been emphasizing joint scientific research, seeking to contribute to knowledge on the subject, crucial as a basis for intervention. Similar to other areas of Psychology, which are undergoing rapid development and change, requiring professionals to be constantly updated/trained, this group also includes Clinical Intervision. Taking advantage of the geographical proximity and formal relations between institutions and following what the Portuguese Psychologists Association has been highlighting, GIPPMA considers this area of its activity as relevant in promoting well-being and self-care of professionals, in facilitating training and continuous development, as well as a safe and quality professional

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