X-Ray Constraints on the Hot Gaseous Corona of Edge-on Late-type Galaxies in Virgo


We present a systematic study of the putative hot gas corona around late-type galaxies (LTGs) residing in the Virgo cluster, based on archival Chandra observations. Our sample consists of 21 nearly edge-on galaxies representing a star formation rate (SFR) range of (0.2βˆ’3Β MβŠ™Β yrβˆ’10.2-3\rm~M_\odot~yr^{-1}) a stellar mass (Mβˆ—M_*) range of (0.2βˆ’10)Γ—1010Β MβŠ™(0.2-10) \times 10^{10}\rm~M_{\odot}, the majority of which have not been explored with high-sensitivity X-ray observations so far. Significant extraplanar diffuse X-ray (0.5-2 keV) emission is detected in only three LTGs, which are also the three galaxies with the highest SFR. A stacking analysis is performed for the remaining galaxies without individual detection, dividing the whole sample into two subsets based on SFR, stellar mass, or specific SFR. Only the high-SFR bin yields a significant detection, which has a value of LX∼3Γ—1038Β ergΒ sβˆ’1L\rm_X \sim3\times10^{38}\rm~erg~s^{-1} per galaxy. The stacked extraplanar X-ray signals of the Virgo LTGs are consistent with the empirical LXβˆ’SFRL\rm_X - SFR and LXβˆ’Mβˆ—L\rm_X - M_* relations found among highly inclined disk galaxies in the field, but appear to be systematically lower than that of a comparison sample of simulated cluster star-formation galaxies identified from the Illustris-TNG100 simulation. The apparent paucity of hot gas coronae in the sampled Virgo LTGs might be understood as the net outcome of the long-lasting effect of ram pressure stripping exerted by the hot intra-cluster medium and in-disk star-forming activity acting on shorter timescales. A better understanding of the roles of environmental effects in regulating the hot gas content of cluster galaxies invites sensitive X-ray observations for a large galaxy sample.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Comments welcom

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