Semi-implicit Continuous Newton Method for Power Flow Analysis


This paper proposes a semi-implicit version of continuous Newton method (CNM) for power flow analysis. The proposed method succeeds the numerical robustness from the implicit CNM (ICNM) framework while prevents the iterative solution of nonlinear systems, hence revealing higher convergence speed and computation efficiency. The intractability of ICNM consists in its nonlinear implicit ordinary-differential-equation (ODE) nature. We circumvent this by introducing intermediate variables, hence converting the implicit ODEs into differential algebraic equations (DAEs), and solve the DAEs with a linear scheme, the stiffly accurate Rosenbrock type method (SARM). A new 4-stage 3rd-order hyper-stable SARM, together with a 2nd-order embedded formula to control the step size, is constructed. Case studies on system 9241pegase verified the alleged performance

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