Indagini sull'efficacia di Spirotetramat (Movento®) nei confronti degli afidi del melo


Two field trials were performed in 2009 and 10 to verify the field control activity of Movento® (a.i. spirotetramat) against the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) and woolly apple aphid Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann). The timing of spirotetramat application was post flowering (BBCH 69) in single or combined strategies. Reference agrochemicals included the thiametoxam and imidacloprid. One semi-field trial was also carried out to verify the action of spirotetramat on significant infestations of E. lanigerum. Movento guarantied a high control of E. lanigerum and D. plantaginea infestation in field and semifield trials; the performances were comparable to that of the best references. The good selectivity observed on phytoseiids and the favourable ecotox profile make spirotetramat suitable for IPM program

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