On the issue of assessing the safety of adjunction on roads


The principal aim of this article is to meticulously investigate and enhance the standards of highway safety and the accompanying infrastructural elements. The article scrutinizes data pertaining to vehicular mishaps over the preceding years, pinpointing crucial elements that precipitate the incidents. Among these contributing factors are the condition of the paved roadway, the clarity of view, the magnitude of vehicular flow, illumination, amongst others. The authors devote considerable attention to the utilization of engineering management strategies, alongside risk management systems, to bolster the safety measures on highways. The discourse proposes the implementation of fuzzy logic allied with the FisPro system, as means to dissect and prognosticate traffic scenarios. The employment of these methodologies enables the consideration of the intricate and multidimensional nature of the issue of highway safety, taking into account the myriad of intertwined parameters. The article underscores the necessity for a holistic approach to effectively amplify the safety standards of highways, encompassing all factors that exert influence on the prevailing traffic conditions. Such a comprehensive methodology permits not merely the response to budding issues, but also the anticipation of potential risks, consequently enabling the timely implementation of preventative measures to avert them

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